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How many lazy Lions NFTs have been sold?

Lazy Lions NFTs were sold 132 times in the last 7 days. The total sales volume for Lazy Lions was $84.06k. The average Lazy Lions NFT price was $636.8. The current Lazy Lions floor price is Ξ0.27. There are 4,996 Lazy Lions owners, owning a total supply of 10,079 tokens.

How many lazy Lions NTFS are there?

In total there are 10,079 Lazy Lions NFTs. Currently 4,996 owners have at least one Lazy Lions NTF in their wallet. ▶ What was the most expensive Lazy Lions sale?

How much is a lazy Lions worth?

Ten percent of the Lazy Lions sales were for $449 or less, half of the sales were for less than $488 and the highest ten percent were sold for $709 or higher. ▶ What is a Lazy Lions? Lazy Lions is a NFT (Non-fungible token) collection. A collection of digital artwork stored on the blockchain. ▶ How many Lazy Lions tokens exist?

How much does a selfie NFT cost?

The 22-year old-student set the price for each NFT selfie at $3 in the beginning. However, Some of Ghozali’s selfie NFTs were sold for ETH 0.9, amounting to around $3,000 (Rs 2.22 lakh approx).

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